Where help is needed the most...

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Your donation will help the Sadr Foundation support the most vulnerable people in communities, here in Australia and across the World. All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible and literally powers every campaign we work on.

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Cash vouchers will directly support displaced families…

Girls Letter

With every wish, you made a smile, and with every smile you made a wish✨✨From our little hearts 💕 thanks a lot to every person who has contributed to the joy of our lives…

Your donation today helps change lives of thousands of children and people in need...

Change the lives of those who need it...

Our Objectives

We aim to deliver essential aid to people suffering from poverty around the world. Our projects supply basic needs such as food, water, clothing and other basic living necessities to individuals and communities around the world.

We have a particular interest in working to help children, particularly those who have lost their parents. We aim to put in place self-sustainable aid projects, by empowering the individuals and communities in need.